Page name: Gods little haters [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-10-01 19:07:34
Last author: Angelic nightmares
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Gods Little Haters




[snowwolfsa] Temp until Dead returns


[Angelic nightmares]




[Diiwica]/[de Morte]

Gods Little Haters Badges

Gods Little Haters Banners

The banner contest has officially started. For more information please visit GLH's banner contest


<img10*0:>1. All members(Besides the owners)will be deleted if they do not post multiple messages...and if we dont like them.

<img10*0:>2. If you want to join, just ask... We been having some problems with christians trying to force their thoughts on our wiki..and so we made a password.
About Joining, just send a message to either the owner, Admin, or Sheriff{s} and we'll gladly add you.

Thank you

<img10*0:> 4. If you see a member with a '*' next to their name, do not argue with them, they are basically Sheriffs.. and they will report you to me.

<img:>For all those who look down on Christianity, and the rest of those BIG religions. We here at 'Gods Little Haters,' see how the world uses these religions to force their influence on other people.

Here are some topics to help you along:

1. Religious wars - Almost every war is started over some stupid conflict with God or Allah.

2. Puritans - Why do these fuckers have to always try to scare us into their Religion? If people didn't convert, they press, drown, or burn them at the stake.

3. Our religions - Are our religions more reasonable?

4. History - The history of religions and the conflicts between them.

This is our Kindling for the fire..

All advertisments have been moved to Advertisement Area

Now discuss!

Username (or number or email):


2008-08-08 [The Voice of Difference]: It sounds like fun.

2008-08-14 [princess_ of _darkness]: ...your crazy...actually...if you do it to someone you hate...then yeah it does

2008-08-20 [The Voice of Difference]: And I'm going into the military.

2008-08-20 [Raven Song]: Happy birthday Kayla

2008-08-23 [princess_ of _darkness]: i heard the the military isnt that people normally rejoin

2008-08-24 [Xorital]: Miliatary is...i'm not even gonna get into that, to controversal.

2008-08-27 [princess_ of _darkness]: okay

2008-08-27 [The Voice of Difference]: I gets to blow stuff up!

2008-08-27 [de Morte]: Hmmm... been talking to my bro in Iraq, yesterday and a bit today...

2008-08-29 [The Voice of Difference]: Cool.

2008-09-06 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: The Military sucks. You should get a hobby, instead. Knitting, for instance.

2008-09-06 [Xorital]: your awesome for that comment

2008-09-06 [The Voice of Difference]: Knitting doesn't pay as well.

2008-09-07 [Imperator]: Question for those that hate the military:
Since you hate the military, does that mean you would prefer to live in fear of terrorist attacks or foreign invasion? Would you prefer to be dead at the hands of people who hate America?

2008-09-07 [moira hawthorne]: ooooh yeah that was bril! do you honestly believe the military is saving you? its your government that is killing you over oil!

personally I have nothing for or against the military... Im against the blind faith that people have that your government is anything other than corrupt

2008-09-09 [snowwolfsa]: LMAO!!! wow you live in Canada and you talk about our government being corrupt have you read the news papers latley? or are you oblivious to the fact, that your country is participating with our "corrupt" government, and putting an oil treatment plant along the saint clair river, then a few miles up the river Canada wants to put a nuclear dump, where they bury nuclear waste.. hmm lets look at this scenerio shall we? what if somthing happens to the oil treatment plant and oil spills into the st. clair river...well does anyone here know that the great lakes is pretty much one of the worlds biggest freshwater supply? and where does the st. clair river feed into? yea exactly.... im not even gonna touch how stupid it is to put a nuclear dump there... i meen of all the places in Canada to put it...RIGHT ALONG THE WATER.. GEEGEE!!! (Good Game, for those of you who dont understand the last word)

i suppose ill provide an article to prove im not bluffing

As for the military, hateing the military, and hateing being in the military are two diffrent things... i agree with tarkis, the military work for, but i support them 100%, which im sure he supports the troops to...least i hope he does, i know him better then anyone here i would think

2008-09-09 [moira hawthorne]: I know our government is corrupt... as ALL governments are corrupt! read what I wrote! I didnt limit it in any way to the usa... we are all monkeys votin for crocodiles!

2008-09-09 [moira hawthorne]: I support no troops! WW1 was suppose to be the war to end all wars... people are too stupid to realize that sendin our brightest bravest and fittest of each generation to be slaugther is a bad idea!

2008-09-09 [Xorital]: I agree.

2008-09-09 [moira hawthorne]: readin history should be a cure for stupidity! of all the horrid things that have happin to mankind... war is the worse... and we done it to ourselfs! why would you burn your hand if you knew before doin so just how incredible painful it would be?

2008-09-09 [Imperator]: Why don't you tell that to Osama bin Laden instead of blaming America?

2008-09-09 [moira hawthorne]: why dont you figure out who put OBL into power? stop cryin... you have it easy... if you had to live in the middle east or a hell of alot other places in the world where there are wars or extreme poverty than you have something worthy to complain about...

2008-09-09 [Xorital]: Besides, whos to say osama did anything, bush just wanted to point the finger at someone.

2008-09-09 [Imperator]: I'm not complaining. I'm pointing out that America is one of the most kind, caring, helpful, moral nations on Earth and all you Anti-American fools go around in your blind hatred and jealousy and blame America for your problems. And President Bush is an American, a good and honost man, and to suggest that he orchestrated 9-11 is highly offensive to me.

2008-09-09 [moira hawthorne]: ok Im laughin... or crying... too hard to even comment...

2008-09-09 [Imperator]: You must have looked in a mirror... Ooooooo! BURN!

2008-09-09 [Xorital]: Look..I live in america and all I have to say is..are you kidding?

2008-09-09 [Imperator]: Nope. :-) Understand that I'm a very conservative person if that helps clarify. Of course I shouldn't be too surprised by your reaction considering that everyone here hates Christians...

2008-09-09 [Xorital]: Well I wouldnt say hate, I do have friends with christian belifs. But we do hate the ones who enjoy to shove the religion down peoples esophagus. And the religion all around is hated.

2008-09-09 [moira hawthorne]: dont worry we are all gonna die soon after the 10th

2008-09-09 [moira hawthorne]: not that that stops me from sendin hubby to work, payin bills, scrubin the stove as well as washin laundry, dishes and the hundred other housework tasks I do between messages here

2008-09-09 [Xorital]: Were not gonna die moira, black holes won't swallow us up so stop worrying about that..

2008-09-09 [moira hawthorne]: im not worryin... if it happens... it be over before I know it... but its pandora's box... once opened whatever happens likely will never be able to be stopped

2008-09-09 [Xorital]: Were gonna be fine, that i'm sure of.

2008-09-09 [moira hawthorne]: you're sure? and yet the eggheads who are playin dog chasin their tail with this dont even know for sure what will happen! but it comforting to know you are sure!

2008-09-09 [Mortified Penguin]: All that will happen tomorrow is basically a test. They plan to send a beam through the LHC to make sure it works properly. After that, they have to wait for it to cool back down... The real particle collisions won't start until after the official unveiling on October 21st. Besides, it's highly unlikely that a black hole will form from the collisions. Even if a black hole forms, it will most likely be a micro black hole, which, according to the theory of Hawking radiation, will quickly evaporate, leaving merely a small bit of gama radiation. ...*eats ramen*...

2008-09-09 [moira hawthorne]: speculation! basically its the great unknown... till they do it the results are ALL guesses

2008-09-09 [Sagacious Turkey]: Micro black holes occur all the time. They happen when cosmic radiation comes in contact with our atmosphere.

Also, Bush rules! I wish we could elect him again for a third term...

2008-09-10 [Xorital]: ....Bush is probaly one of the worst presidents we have ever had.

2008-09-10 [Diiwica]: Subliminal mind fuck. For crist sakes why such the serious talking?

2008-09-10 [Raven Song]: No idea.. I've just been reading

2008-09-10 [moira hawthorne]: ahhhhh we just playin ma

2008-09-11 [Imperator]: I have never found a wiki so against so much of what I enjoy. It's full of anti-christian, anti-science, anti-Bush, and anti-America people. Ugh. I'm leavin'! Eat my nuclear bombs!

2008-09-11 [Xorital]: Go to your imaginary hell ^^ thank you goodnight.

2008-09-11 [The Voice of Difference]: Anti-science?

2008-09-11 [moira hawthorne]: huuuuummmmmm eh I was wonderin about that myself...

I may or may not be anti-christian ... in that i have many christian friends... and as long as they respect me and my religion I respect them... and tolerate their...

I am definately NOT anti-science! even tho Im a fuzzy artsey fartsey fae-cat changeling... my favorite writer is Robert A Heinlein! the King of Science fiction...

anti-Bush... I dont like or trust the guy BUT Im not limitin... I distrust ALL politicians and governments!

and anti-America people! NAH! no way! alot of my friends are yanks... I dont dislike americaians... I might make fun of the stupid ones... but Ill make fun of any stupid people!

2008-09-12 [The Voice of Difference]: I'm American and I make fun of stupid people all the time. Like moira said, it's 'cause they're stupid, not american.

2008-09-12 [princess_ of _darkness]: im ignorant ^_^ but it is fun making fun of stupid people ^_^

2008-09-12 [moira hawthorne]: yup... I KNOW I dont know everything! and therefore Im wise... a stupid person THINKS he knows EVERYTHING! and ACTS on it.

2008-09-13 [Raven Song]: *sigh*

2008-09-14 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Unfortunate that I missed this fascinating intellectual conversation. They starve us here on base for that sort o' thing.
 You're right, Snowolf; I don't hate the military. What I really hate is America, Jews, blacks, gays, science, Christians, Norwegians, politics, M16-A2's, shitty internet connections, loud dormitory neighbors, religion, music, the internet, popcorn, philosophy, animals, and drunk driving awareness briefings. Emphasis on the briefings, no joke. I have had several dozen in my eight month career. Some of that may not be true, however..
This is like one big redneck, incestual (Not a word) cousin-fornicating family. It feels like we've crossbred so many times.. There's never anything interesting going on anymore. For Allah's sake, bring in some new blood.
Really, though. I find your narrow-minded, childish naivete refreshing. Please don't go. I like America and science and Bush and organized Western Roman Catholicism and nuclear fission at it's most destructive, too. Seriously, get your bitch ass back here..

2008-09-14 [Mortified Penguin]: I'm Alexander's lawyer. What do you want with my client?

2008-09-15 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: What can I clarify for you? I want him to stay and entertain me.

2008-09-15 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Like a jester.

2008-09-15 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: I want a Jester.

2008-09-15 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: I downloaded XFire, Snowolf. You're not on. Only Athena and CoryNewb are on, and nobody has initiated conversation with me, and I lack the confidence to do it myself. Is it too much to ask for you to wake up at 1:00 P.M?
Does it seem too coincidental? That I would find a decent Internet Connection just after you pester me about it, and I give you the excuse that I can't download it on this internet, and then I download it a day later? It doesn't, does it?
By the way, you're all dismissed. From now on I'll dictate the subject matter of this Wiki and follow it up with enough discussion that none of you need ever comment again. That is all.

2008-09-15 [princess_ of _darkness]: do you carry on conversations with yourself alot?

2008-09-15 [snowwolfsa]: lmao, i cant say enuff how much i miss you wow thats great

2008-09-15 [The Voice of Difference]: What's the point then?

2008-09-17 [Angelic nightmares]: I can be your jester.

2008-09-17 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: As often as necessary.
Increasingly, I catch myself muttering things when nobody is around. Usually at the computer.

The POINT is that I won't be disapPOINTed in the company. Ahhh, cha cha cha..

Make me laugh, Angelic.

Christmas, Mr. Wolf. Hopefully I'll be home for a week and a half.

2008-09-18 [The Voice of Difference]: You shouldn't be here or by yourself ever again.

2008-09-18 [snowwolfsa]: lol alright see you christmas

2008-09-18 [The Voice of Difference]: You realize that's not that far away?

2008-09-21 [de Morte]: I made wiki badges, I will upload them when I can.

2008-09-22 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Mmm, boy. Aaaawkwaaaard.. It was the brogue, wasn't it? It was too much. I was just.. o O(No, you Fool. Don't explain it to them. Delete the comment. Quickly, now! No, wait; Too late! Stand by your scruples, attack them verbally until they have to abandon their trains of thought to defend themselves. Also address everybody by their user names to make everything more personal. Think of something. Quickly, quickly..) Mmm, gaa'ah! - A'hem! Your personality makes you look fat, [The Voice of Difference]. [snowwolfsa], you're entirely too sensitive for a male.
. o O(Peeerfect.. Now a subtle shift of topic by latching onto another post, and I'll be in the clear and they'll be none the wiser..) Wiki badges are a great idea, [de Morte]. I suggest we make a subtle change of topic by focusing on them.

2008-09-22 [moira hawthorne]: this wiki is slippin into the absurd

2008-09-22 [The Voice of Difference]: I don't know, I like Tarkis's discussing with himself. It's amusing.

2008-09-22 [de Morte]: Gods Little Haters Badges Now up and running, I will be able to resize images if needed.

2008-09-22 [moira hawthorne]: tho are coool... can there be a 'general hecker' badge?

2008-09-22 [Xorital]: Nice, thanks Adara ^^

2008-09-22 [de Morte]: There are banners for GLH.

2008-09-23 [moira hawthorne]: not...

2008-09-23 [Angelic nightmares]: I love those!

2008-09-23 [The Voice of Difference]: I want one...

2008-09-23 [moira hawthorne]: I do tooo.... thats why i wanted there to be a 'general hecker' one

2008-09-24 [Angelic nightmares]: I quite enjoy having staff-only badges.

2008-09-24 [de Morte]: We can also take the poll off now, I could make a smaller version for "general heckers" if [dead~spirit] thought it would be OK, but they'd probably have to be somewhat different in color or something...

2008-09-24 [moira hawthorne]: it could be plainer faded colour... and without an individual's name so it can be used by multiple users

2008-09-24 [de Morte]: Thats what I was thinking, but it would be up to [dead~spirit], since he owns this wiki.

2008-09-24 [snowwolfsa]: General Heckers badge is alright, so go ahead with that. like i said before, i may not always post, but im keeping an eye on this wiki, kinda manageing it for [dead~spirit] given his current lack of ability to log on. generaly ive left most if to all of you, but anything your not sure about, or somthing i see that i think dead might not like ill ask him and if hes against it, ill let you know... anyways yes, go ahead and remove the poll... since the whole badges thing has been decided, and a "General Heckers" badge is good to go, so go ahead and make them

2008-09-24 [de Morte]: Done.

2008-09-24 [moira hawthorne]: woooooooooot!

2008-09-25 [The Voice of Difference]: I like to think I watch and comment enough to be considered for 'staff'...

2008-09-25 [Angelic nightmares]: Dead has the final say in staff members.

2008-09-25 [snowwolfsa]: Would you like me to pass along a staff request to dead for you voice?

2008-09-25 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Good Lord.
Even as far as democracies go, I think that was the slowest ruling in recorded history, just after Woman's Suffrage and the Civil Act of '64. Boy were THOSE mistakes.. I thought that vote had just sort of become part of the scenery, you know? Like a dilapidated housing zone with a sign that said: "COMING SOON!" that had obviously been there long enough to make 'eventually' seem a 'bit premature.

[snowwolfsa], I was wondering if I might be able to persuade you to give me staff status in exchange for some kinky, erotic, down-and-dirty sexual favors? Or I bake a mean apple pie, if you prefer. Actually, I still don't want staff. Those are on the house.

Oh yeah.. I was supposed to let Spirit borrow a laptop, wasn't I? Fuck, Man, I am such a dick.. Don't you people work or something in Michigan? I'm sick of providing for this family.

Also, tell me some good songs to download. My selection is drying out. I'm curious about what people in this place listen to, and will download pretty much anything, so that's pretty much extended to anybody who has managed to read this far into my ridiculous post.. 'Saah.

2008-09-25 [The Voice of Difference]: Yes, that would be most appreciated.

Epica, Apocalyptica, Vast, Dimmu Borgir, Three Days Grace, Creed, The Used, Tool...

What download program do you use? I have Songbird.

2008-09-25 [moira hawthorne]: and fintroll1

2008-09-26 [Diiwica]: haha...certin lack of being able to on... ,Mi blows when it comes to jobs. if you don't work in either the food, health care,or law enforcement you don't have much of a chance for a job. Oh and the military... but pretty much every other job field is dwindeling. actually the only reason I get on I'd due in a significant part to my cell phone being my laptop motherboard is fried. 

2008-09-26 [snowwolfsa]: alright Voice, soon as i speak with him next ill ask him.

2008-09-27 [Angelic nightmares]: NC aint really popping up with jobs either. Makes me glad with walmart I can transfer

2008-09-27 [The Voice of Difference]: Sweet.

2008-09-27 [de Morte]: WA is pretty good with jobs, openings everywhere it seems, and there is a lot to do here (considering Seattle) anyways I just work for a family run business, so I don't have to deal with corporate shit.

2008-09-28 [Diiwica]: I don't have a job the end of this school year in may maybe april i'll have three certificates for jobs in the medical field... that should helo. (just blows that cacc and kcc are both christan based schools)

2008-09-28 [Raven Song]: I'm still foolishly pursing the same damn dream...and killing myself while I'm doing it, Yet, I'm employed and in school so..yay?

2008-09-29 [Angelic nightmares]: I think we got got a foolish dream we're chasing after. Lord knows I'm still chasing mine

2008-09-29 [Xorital]: Dreams are only foolish if you make them that way.

2008-09-29 [Raven Song]: No, I have to disagree Xorital, there are dreams, then there are foolish dreams... The foolish ones are the ones where you already know the outcome, yet go after it anyways hopeing to change it somehow. My son is crying or this post would be longer

2008-09-29 [Xorital]: No one truley knows the outcome of anything, unless you give into the outcome.

2008-09-29 [Raven Song]: You don't believe in fate? or Destiny being controlled by some outside force?

2008-09-29 [Xorital]: No, I belive that we have the ability to control what happens in our lives, we have choice, were not chained by anything, unless you want to be.

2008-09-29 [Raven Song]: Thats the funny thing about my beliefs of fate/destiny, I believe when we're created we have a destiny, some of us are destined to cure cancer, some of us are born to be janitors are a highschool till they get shot in a high school shooting, Yet the path to that destiny is our own.. we choose the path we take. That Janitor might have been a huge buisness investor yet because of bad luck, lost everything, couldn't get a good job and was stuck moping floors in a school till he died...

2008-09-29 [Angelic nightmares]: Or if its impossible to achieve. And fate is something I do believe strongly in.

and an foolish dream? my dad actually being around. He's not that type of person. So to sit and dream about him being there, is a foolish dream.

2008-09-29 [Xorital]: Nothing is impossible to acheive if you work hard enough.

2008-09-29 [Raven Song]: I'm going to be a billionair with 8 playmates for wives...yeah nothings impossible....or Life will go back to the way it was by tomorrow.... yep Xorital, nothings impossible..

2008-09-29 [Xorital]: If thats what you really want to be...Seriously...dunno why you would want to be...

Then actualy work for it. Things don't come to those who wait.

2008-09-29 [Angelic nightmares]: There are things in life which one can't change. Fate being one. If we're destined to do something, no matter what path we take, we're destined to that outcome.

2008-09-29 [Raven Song]: No they don't.. And working towards what I want, has ended up leaving me even further unhappiness, so going to do nothing. Waiting has just as many consiquences if not more than putting everything you have forward.

2008-09-29 [Xorital]: I was more than likley destined to be good for nothing like my father..But things are turning out quite difforently because i'm changing everything about my attitude.

2008-09-29 [Angelic nightmares]: I've been waiting 23 years for my dad to change. So to say "good things come to those who wait"? 23 years isn't a long enough time to wait? I've done more than my fair share of waiting. Fate obviously doesn't want me and him together. I finally accept this.

2008-09-29 [Xorital]: I said ''Things DON'T come to those who wait.''

2008-09-29 [Angelic nightmares]: Even so. I tried for 5 years, I was fed empty promises and lies, to just be ignored.

2008-09-29 [Raven Song]: No Angelic, it will never be long enough, but people will foolishly wait, for other people to change.. like me...I'll wait till the end of days for things to change.. the worst pain in the world is knowing you can't control the outcome. I've gone through (this is just recently) The love of my life Leaving me, couldnt control that, having my heart filled with hope, only to have it drained, over and over that same thing happened. And now I'm working on making sure my son is taken care me, live or long as their both taken care of I don't nor does anyone care what happens to me.

2008-09-29 [Angelic nightmares]: I gave up thinking he would change. I know now how he is. I know he's not going to change. He's just gonna go on with his life avoiding me.

And I'm sorry about your lose, but respect you very much for being there for your child.

2008-09-29 [Raven Song]: Many many people have put the doubt into my mind that he isn't even mine. *sigh* No matter what I'm not going to request a test, and I'm never going to stop loving him or taking care of him.

2008-09-29 [Angelic nightmares]: you're a good man, and I wish you all the best

2008-09-29 [Raven Song]: Thanks..but you can't change people..let alone make them make the right decision, my brothers friend was dating this girl knowing full well that she had a kid, and then she broke his heart when she went back to the kids father. Bad things happen to good people. Now this relates to me because, Good people do bad things to good people... not because they're a bitch or an asshole but because they think its for the best..I still love her, and I always will..But its her choice wheither or not to make things better. *end long emo rant*

2008-09-29 [moira hawthorne]: CRAZY PEOPLE MAKE SANE PEOPLE ACT CRAZY

2008-09-29 [Diiwica]: well we can't just look at him and tell if you want to believe them. he looks just like me. and as far as fate goes. there's a such thing BUT.... I think that it changes from time to time. situations change and so do the people in them.

I know tjat is I hadn't taken recent chances I would be in the same place I was a few months ago. now I'm close to having a lot of job and life chances. something that was not offered there. and to be honest I'm fully happy with my choices. and gods and goddesses both know by the middle of the month ill have one hell of a choice.shit even now I'm faced with a question I know not how to answer.....

2008-09-29 [The Voice of Difference]: "Luck is just a way to claim your fortunes, without claiming your faults."

"Better things come to those who strive."

2008-09-29 [Raven Song]: Kayla, if you took that as me upset with you or angry in anyway it wasn't ment to be.

I know you're happy with your choices, and I'm happy for you I really am. I just wish ...nevermind you know already.

2008-09-29 [Diiwica]: You just wish what..? That I would come back to you and forget that all this ever happened? You know that I cannot do that due to morals and do to personal choices. I chose my path and I'm sticking to it. No mater what the conciquences may be.The path may be rough, and my heart may be torn out a few times but its what I've chosen and come to love as my life path. And when things are ready to move forward. they will... be it fate or personal choice. Persoanlly i perfer it to be personal choice with decisions that have been presented to me as of late. You can accept that or not either way life it what it is and things are exactally how they are. i hope that they stay this way, because this is the way that I had hoped that things would be at this time in my life.

2008-09-29 [Raven Song]: No..thats not what I wish Kayla. I do not want you to just forget that this happened, you're doing this for a reason, and you know I want you back and you know I'll wait for it, I know the paths in front of us are hard, and I know you're confused, a sliver of hope that the plans we made will come true would make it a lot easier. Thats all, and what I For you to be happy, a life together happy is the dream I'm chasing, but You, what I want.

2008-09-29 [Diiwica]: I dunno if your dream can ever be reached again raven

2008-09-29 [Raven Song]: Kayla please don't say that...

2008-09-29 [Diiwica]: I'm not going to lie nor pull punches with this. Nor am I going to be the one that is going to provide false hope. I'm done with all that false hope. I've had to be that person in my family for far too long and now its my turn to be the one that can look at things realistically. Sure its kind of mean, but frankly its time I get what I want. And to look at things how they are is what I want.

2008-09-29 [Raven Song]: I'm trying to give you what you want Kayla! I'm doing everything you ask me to do.

2008-09-29 [Diiwica]: You can't give me what I want.

2008-09-29 [Raven Song]: You don't know that if you wont let me try...

2008-09-29 [Diiwica]: I did let you try. Can't you just see that this is how things are. Be it your cherished "Fate" or what not.

2008-09-29 [Raven Song]: I dont cherish Fate I dont give a flying fuck about fate Kayla...I care about you and I want you back.. This isn't how things have to be

2008-09-29 [Diiwica]: How clear do I have to make it Raven?

2008-09-29 [Raven Song]: You've made it clear...Why aren't you calling me Collin?

2008-09-29 [Diiwica]: I don't want to nor have to

2008-09-29 [Raven Song]: Why are you acting like this Kayla? Things don't have to end like this..

2008-09-29 [Diiwica]: I've been pleasant, and as the gods as my witness, i swear that I do not care what happens to me. Karma may be a bitch, but I'm more than welcoming that rite now.

2008-09-29 [Raven Song]: But I do care what happens to you, and so does our son.

2008-09-29 [Diiwica]: Just stop...

2008-09-29 [Raven Song]: Stop what Kayla?

2008-09-29 [moira hawthorne]: hey guys.... this really isnt anything to do with this wiki... this is a private relationship battle ... you arent even asking for help with... you are just spamming this wiki with with your own conversation... so unless you want everyone else who watches this wiki to start throwin in what the fuck theu think you two should do with your lifes... well not take this to messages?

2008-09-29 [RinOdd]: You may be a bitch, but you're my bitch, Sango. Hello peoples, I'm A, Kayliah's bf, she told me to say hi, so... HIIIIIIIIIIIIII! =o

2008-09-29 [Diiwica]: Actually yes I wanna see what everyone has to say.

2008-09-29 [RinOdd]: To get back on the subject a tiny bit, and to let everyone know, I don't mind any religion really. I just hate forcing religious beliefs on people who don't agree, that goes for all religions, even my own. Besides, just about all religions worship one or more higher gods/goddesses. Why not just agree to disagree? Makes no sense to fight over basically the name and number of gods/goddesses and/or who the messenger is, I mean, they're suppose to worship the message, not the damn messenger. Yup, that's my thoughts in a nutshell. <.<d

2008-09-29 [Diiwica]: LOL bry you are a trip... *plays with hair*

2008-09-29 [RinOdd]: A trip to where? o.o *goes cross-eyed looking at you play wiff my hair*

2008-09-29 [Diiwica]: You know what I mean. At least you had better. I dun see why you won't pick a religion*

2008-09-29 [RinOdd]: I hate labels. Plus I see no reason for religion in the first place. I have an idea, and that's all I need. ^^
I don't remember where I heard it, but it was off a movie. "All religions start with an idea, and ideas are great, but when an idea turns into a religion, that's when the trouble starts. People will fight with words and one on one battles for an idea, but wars are created for religions." =D
Plus, life is a bittersweet symphony. You're a slave to money then you die.

2008-09-29 [moira hawthorne]: ok... my 5 cent... you both have to consider the welfare of your child over your selfs... whether you get back together or not... you have to be responsible and stop fighting

dont know if you two were just dating and fuckin or married... but their are legal and moral implication that imped on your free will once you have a child together

[Diiwica] you are gonna have to get along with [Raven Song] as he is the father of your baby... he has rights.. as your baby does

[Raven Song] stop whining to get back with her and think what you owe your child for the next 20 yrs...

2008-09-29 [Raven Song]: We were engaged Moira, May was when we were going to tie the knot. What I owe my child..I put him before myself no matter what, I wouldn't be posting this if he wasn't taking a quick cat nap I regret a lot, but I don't regret spending 16 months with [Diiwica] she has always and will always be an amazing woman and mother. I still love her. And from what I understand from the phone call, she A) still loves me in a non-romantic way, B) Wants to be in my life, and C) wants to raise our son together

2008-09-29 [Xorital]: We shouldnt bring personal business into the wiki. It can cause problems.

2008-09-29 [moira hawthorne]: were engaged... if what i read is correct it doesnt seem she wishes to be married to you now

2008-09-29 [Raven Song]: We Were, pass tense.

2008-09-30 [moira hawthorne]: yes. so move on.

2008-09-30 [Xorital]: ...Despite my claim for neutrality, I agree with moira..sorry.

2008-09-30 [RinOdd]: I agree with you as well, Moira. But, I don't like the fact that Raven Song is trying to basically guilt trip Diiwica, and wont let her have the child back w/o a court order. She never kept the child from him, and let him take the baby, alone, to a family reunion this passed weekend. Trusted him to be a man and return the child. But, once again, he's betrayed her, just like when he was flirting and cybering other girls while he was suppose to be engaged to her.

2008-09-30 [Angelic nightmares]: People spam the wiki all the time with what going on in their lives. Its what makes this wiki what it is for the most part.

Besides, if someones having problems with any member of this wiki, they need to take it up with the staff. And with our Owner currently away, the Administrator is next in line.

The staff is there for a reason.

2008-09-30 [Raven Song]: You got the wrong story Bryan, I never said that at all. You're right I cyberd with another woman while I was with her, ya know why I was doing it? She said it was alright a year ago, then she changed her mind, I betrayed her I admited to it, But I have never once denyed her our son...just remember something asshole, hes Mine and Kayla's Not yours...Come between me and my son and I will end you.

2008-09-30 [RinOdd]: Doesn't matter who's child it is, I can say my own damn opinion, "asshole." I have my opinion and I stated it, got an issue with it, then come on down here and do something about it. Until then, I can state my opinion anywhere I damn well please, and only the owners of this wiki can say other wise. Or those sheriff people I read about up top. And are you fucking threatening me on a wiki page? That's lame as hell. I'm not afraid of text boy, and if you want proof of that, wait until I come up there this December and try saying all this shit. See what happens.

2008-09-30 [Diiwica]: no one is going to kill anyone. behave! that word is law. Collin u were supposed to come up here this weekend and then suddenly you can't be back till sunday.yes I'm mad. and if you do not understand that then I've no idea what to tell you. as far as betraying me... u did that a number of times.....

2008-09-30 [RinOdd]: Oh, and btw, the moment you started to hurt Kayliah, who is my gf, and I'm sure you guys would agree with me in this, it BECAME my business.

2008-09-30 [RinOdd]: Oh, hiya, love. *waves at Sango* ^.^/)

2008-09-30 [Angelic nightmares]: [RinOdd] if you dont stop threatening members, I'll have you banned. And I will not tolerate ANYONE calling anyone else an asshole, or any other discriminating words on this wiki.

Raven and Kayla, though it seems interesting, I'll have to ask you to take this to messages.

Normally I don't try to intrude, but this has gone on for far too long. And I dont stand back anymore.

2008-09-30 [RinOdd]: Sorry cap'n. His little comment about me being an a-hole and threatening me got me ruffled. I'm not usually hostile to anyone. ^^;

2008-09-30 [Raven Song]: Last message about this subject - Kayla, it was a mis-communication, and I already apologized for that, I was talking about the weekend of Oct. 10th. The reunion was always on Friday and Saturday night, one at Holly and Gil's one at our house. I have to work both days thats why I cant drive to your moms. And about betraying you, I know I have, and you've betrayed me too. I already apologized for those times and done my best to make penance for them I can't take back what I did, neither can you, But we can both look towards the future and do whats best for our son.
[Angelic nightmares] - I apologize for how far this got.'ve always been hostile towards me for no reason, so don't act like you aren't normally this way.

2008-09-30 [Angelic nightmares]: Anyone else who speaks about this subject, after this post, will be in trouble.

with that, feel free to talk, but mark my words.

2008-09-30 [RinOdd]: I'm usually a very happy person, just never around you. Most people see me as a lovable spazz who makes others laugh. Granted I didn't use to be like that, I was emo as hell, and Sango can vouch for that. But, I found that I just hurt myself, in which case, I lightened up and became the man I am today, instead of the boy I once was.

2008-09-30 [RinOdd]: Crap, sorry! I was writing when you were, cap'n. No more from me. ^^;

2008-09-30 [Diiwica]: New subject… so I’m taking a really frackin intense government class… We’ve got to do this HUGE report on the candidates… well the 4 main ones… and its hard to find things about Nader… anyone know any good sites that aren’t bias to one candidate or another? Hmm( Sigh... damn this class is lame and Rawr.)

2008-09-30 [Raven Song]: Sorry bout the report, and I would've posted this sooner but ET was acting up for me I found this site

I hope it helps, I'm going to keep looking though if you want.

2008-09-30 [Tarkis Nethermoon]:
Thank you for the musical suggestions. I won't be able to check out the ones I've yet to hear right now, but eventually I will. Tool is amazing, Creed is awesome, and Three Days Grace are pretty cool. I'm pretty disappointed in The Used. I saw them in concert and didn't care for 'em. The others, I'll check out.

WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE, THOUGH, RIGHT? Let's just move on and forget this happened, yes?

WRONG! Somebody is gonna' get HURT, and it may, just may, be my recently reacquired Elftown username via ban.

[Angelic nightmares] Duly, mother effin, noted. Fair warning though, I'm TOTALLY gonna' have my way with their conversation. I'm going to RAVAGE it, really. What's more, I'm going to incite a people, an ENTIRE people, the indigenous tribe of the IMMATURE, and that PEOPLE, may want to open the conversation back up to answer my insults, which is gonna' put you in an uncomfortable position where you may want to follow through with administrative action. Now, I don't really know if you can get me kicked out, and normally I'd say no, I'm too well connected and entirely too slippery, but I can hardly get on the internet anymore to post, let alone challenge what would turn into a majority vote against me. BUT I'M GONNA' SAY WHAT I WANT ANYWAY.


I missed


WHAT WE COULD HAVE MADE OUT OF A DISCUSSION ABOUT FATE! Isn't that the question you really ask when you inquire about an individual's belief in God? If only I had been here early enough and frequently enough to manipulate the conversation this weekend, we might have dispensed with your preconceived religious notions you cloak yourselves in like fucking wampyres hiding from the light of day n git, down, ta bidness. Too late, too late..

- INSTEAD I get to read a text-based version of Divorce Court.

(They kicked Enlisted out of the HOTEL!)

Okay. I'm going to have to do some catching up. Where to begin, where, to.. Ah. The proverbial cliche quotes. Good call, [Xorital], [RinOdd].

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
"The grass is always greener.."
"A penny saved is a penny earned"

[Raven Song] I'm going to be a playmate with eight billionaire husbands.

I'm off balance, anymore. I'll need a few moments to think of a post..

2008-09-30 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Snowwolfsa says:"TARKIS, NOO!"
Ohh, yeeeaaah!

I understand the conversation is over, but it will just come back unless I hurt the three of you emotionally, or maybe that's just me being vicious and optimistic at the same time.. You just made yourselves look like ASSES. You transitioned from a perfectly good topic to something that should stay on only three separate monitors as you bitch back and forth at each other through Yahoo instant messenger. That's probably what frustrates me the most. What a waste. Why? Because whoever the weak fuck is, that fucked the one who needs to use spell check and happened to procreate in the process, I don't remember his name right now but that guy who fucked some other bitches with text and managed to lose the depressing relationship in favor of an even more depressing relationship, he brought up this conversation in the first place. Knowing the woman as well as you should if you've been dating her, you'd think he'd know she would blurt out personal crap that nobody really wants to hear or see, as she's done in the past. Sure as shit, she did. Then she brought in some retard who has no choice but to defend her, because when it comes down to it, once you settle, you gotta' stick by the one that didn't get away yet (Unfortunately).

God, I can't even articulate. I'll just close this off..
In closing, you immature fucks brought up a conversation for various reasons, and I don't like it. Don't do that.

2008-09-30 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: I'm afraid that paragraph was horribly lacking, but I hope it was blunt enough to make all of those involved mad, and I may even hope it was callous enough to make the first Cherub do something about it. I'm not entirely sure if I want that or not, though..
Anyways, I've got to go study crap I can hardly stand. Hey, have a good night, O'tay?

2008-09-30 [moira hawthorne]: [Tarkis Nethermoon] should be dubbed Pot Stirrer! ( or sub Shit) ...Im still General Heckler tho. I also think a real conversation about Fate would be awesome.

Ive always held with the thought/believe that we are God... 'Thou Art God' ...but most of the time we just are just not conscious of it... take too much concentration to walk about in our daily lifes in a state of 'godhood' so instead we worry about money and being late for the bus and does 'he' love me and what about those new shoes or the price of gas. so to make things simpler on our selfs... we make Gods... we give them names... and make them like us... or how we aspire to... and than we have them tell us what to do! and call it God's Will or Fate or Karma. When really its just us. Ourselfs.

2008-09-30 [Diiwica]: I dunno how that was supposed to make someone mad but um ok. Futhermore, its its nice to see your view.

2008-09-30 [Raven Song]: Yeah I was thinking the same thing Kayla.. Anyways so we're talking about fate now?

2008-09-30 [Diiwica]: all that really needs to be said in the lines of fate is this: its a final result or consequence. Simple, and to the point.

2008-09-30 [Raven Song]: I agree Kayla, but do you believe there is an outside force deciding our fate for us? or do you believe that fate is what we make it?

2008-09-30 [Diiwica]: Its what we make it. We've got the ability to smack fate in the face and walk away from what it has set before us. We make out choices, and where we end is what we call fate.

2008-09-30 [Raven Song]: I like that, I really do. My opinion on fate is changing, I used to believe that no matter what happened no matter the case, I couldn't change fate, and the more life goes on the more I'm understanding the power to control the outcome has always been in our hands.

2008-09-30 [Xorital]: My opinion stands, fate and destiny doesnt exist, everything happens as we make it so.

2008-09-30 [Angelic nightmares]: opinions about fate are fine. as well as a conversation.

2008-10-01 [Xorital]: Anyway..I'm exhausted, how is everyone else?

2008-10-01 [snowwolfsa]: Wow, i dont log on for a few days and miss a bunch of crap, ok well it seems the conflict of argueing here was resolved, despite Tarkis's help (lol btw, was really funny, imo), Good Job in dealing with the situaton Angelic. and yes [RinOdd] while i agree with you being able to retaliate an threaten people who insult you, i also agree with the administrator, lets keep threats towards other member of the wiki to a minimal. (sorry about that, im in Tarkes's position of not being here during the whole thing, why my post is alittle late)

Anyways moveing on, ive discussed things with dead. Updates are:

Voice: set as a Recruiter
Me: while im not the owner of this wiki, im currently acting as Temorary owner, untill Dead returns (if he ever returns) so you can put me in one of two areas, i dont care which, one being under deads name in the owner area, however if you put me there, please put temporary next to my name for im really hopeing its not perminant, am trying to get him to come back. or Two, put me in the Sheriff's colum, either one i dont care.

As for my belieafs in fate, i am currently un-decided on that topic, as i am for most religions

finaly Xorital, im doing great actualy, thank you for asking

2008-10-01 [Xorital]: Your very welcome :)

2008-10-01 [Diiwica]: Who is everyone goingt o vote for in the us president election I'm currious...

2008-10-01 [Raven Song]: I haven't decided yet, I was going to vote for Clinton, but shes out...who are you going to?

2008-10-01 [Xorital]: Well...That has been a tough one...I really do not wish for McCaine...but now Obahma is starting to look bad, so I have no clue. But obahma still has a better chance for my vote than McCaine does

2008-10-01 [Diiwica]: wow I feel alienated now with what u said... *sits in cornner*

2008-10-01 [Raven Song]: Why? who are you going to vote for?

2008-10-01 [Diiwica]: McCain....

2008-10-01 [Raven Song]: I was considering him too, I don't much care for Obama...but I honestly don't know yet.

2008-10-01 [Diiwica]: I hate what obama stands for... and I don't like nader or barr...

2008-10-01 [Raven Song]: Nadar has been running forever, hes not going to win, I don't know anything about Barr, and Obama...hes just asking to be assassinated.

2008-10-01 [Diiwica]: Look up Robert (bob)Barr… He’s an independent… not much about him. Not all that fascinating. Super lame super stupid in my view.

2008-10-01 [Raven Song]: Heh..then whats the point in looking him up? might as well, further my own knowledge of the candidates.

Why are you planning on voting for McCain?

2008-10-01 [Angelic nightmares]: I'm voting for Obama

2008-10-01 [Diiwica]: His stance on issues. There are A LOT of things that I do not like that obama believes in.

2008-10-01 [Raven Song]: I agree, I did a a lot of research today, and I have no serious standing but McCain is more likely to get my vote than Obama

2008-10-01 [Diiwica]: My mom will hate me for it, but it doesn't matter she's pissed about every other thing I do ne way

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